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Parks and Recreation Committee

If you are interested in becoming a member of a committee, please fill out the form in the link below. Deliver or mail the completed form to City Hall at 299 Mill Street, Falls City, OR 97344.

Committee Application Form

The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be to advise the City Council regarding matters in the parks and recreation service area, including parks, cemeteries, athletic facilities, trails planning, acquisition, construction and maintenance, grants acquisition, volunteer coordination, improvements, and the following tasks:
-Review and make recommendations on parks and recreation projects.
-Advise on parks systems development charge rate analysis and recommendations.
-Advise on city parks rental rates and use procedures.
-Advise on city budget for operation and capital improvements.
-Troubleshoot capital and maintenance projects.
-Make park rules and policy recommendations.
In addition, the board may advise the Council on any matter upon which the Council requests guidance.
Parks and Recreation Committee meetings are held each month at 6:00 p.m, on the third Wednesday of each month at the Community Center.
Committee Members
Lori Jean Sickles
Dani Haviland, Chair
Dennis Sickles
T.J. Bailey
Laura Britton
Laura Evans
Chris Martin
William Cleek

Parks and Recreation Committee: Issues
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