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Budget Committee

There are currently no openings on the budget committee, but if you are interested in becoming a member when a position opens, please fill out the form in the link below. Deliver or mail the completed form to City Hall at 299 Mill Street, Falls City, OR 97344.

Committee Application Form

Notice of Budget Committee Meeting

A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the City of Falls City, Polk County, State of Oregon to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 will be held on May 22nd, 2024 at 6:00 pm.


To access and participate in the meeting please use Zoom through a web browser at  Webinar ID: 827 1705 6304 Passcode: 926483 For participation by telephone, dial 1 669 444 9171

You can also attend and participate by coming to the Community Center, 320 Main St. Falls City, OR, where the meeting will be held. The purpose of this meeting is to receive the proposed budget, the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. A public hearing will also be held on the use of State Revenue Sharing Funds at this meeting.  A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after May 17th, 2024, in the City Hall foyer. This is a meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee.


Additional Budget Committee meeting (as needed) on: Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 at 6:00 pm Passcode: 650304

Webinar ID: 827 1705 6304 Passcode: 926483 For participation by telephone, dial 1 669 444 9171


Additional Budget Committee meeting (as needed) on: Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 at 6:00 pm Passcode: 650304

Webinar ID: 827 1705 6304 Passcode: 926483 For participation by telephone, dial 1 669 444 9171


This notice was published in the Itemizer-Observer on May 15th, and on the City of Falls City website on May 8th.

Budget Process

A budget, as defined by Oregon State Law (Oregon Revised Statutes, abbreviated as ORS) Chapter 294, is a financial plan containing estimates of revenues and requirements for a given period or purpose, such as the fiscal year. The City is required to budget all funds and for each fund to have a balanced budget. The State of Oregon defines balanced budgets as one in which total resources, including beginning balances (net working capital), current resources and debt proceeds, equal total requirements, including current year requirements, capital outlay, transfers, debt service, and any other requirements, such as debt service reserves. As a rule, local governments in Oregon operate on a fiscal year that begins on July 1 and ends the following June 30. Falls City’s budget operates on this schedule. Budgeting is critical to cities because it requires local governments to evaluate plans and establish priorities in relation to available financial resources. Also under ORS, a legally adopted budget is necessary to establish and justify a given rate and or amount of property taxes to be levied on the property within the City.


The City of Falls City’s budget will accomplish each of the four major purposes of Oregon Local Budget Law (ORS 294.305 – 294.555 and 294.565) including: Establish standard financial procedures, outline programs and services in conjunction with the fiscal policy, and implement those policies provide methods of estimating revenue, requirements, and proposed tax levies to encourage public involvement in the budgeting process before budget adoption. Falls City prepares and adopts its annual budget in accordance with the City Charter, Oregon Law, and the Government Finance Officers Association budget guidelines. Before the budget can accomplish these goals, a schedule for preparation is developed. This schedule is called the Budget Calendar.

Budget Committee

The purpose of the Budget Committee shall be to advise the City Council regarding the City budget and perform the following tasks:

-Review and make recommendations on the City budget.

-Advise on utility budget analysis and recommendations.

-Advise on City budget for operation and capital improvements.

-Fulfill the responsibilities of a municipal budget committee under state law.

In addition, the Committee may advise the Council on any matter upon which the Council requests guidance.


2024-2025 Budget Committee


Lori Jean Sickles

Martha Jirovec

Tony Meier

Amy Houghtaling

Dennis Sickles

Nick Backus 


Guy Mack

Chris Walls
Jason Evans
Art Houghtaling

Leanne Merrill

Jeremy Gordon

Budget Officer 2024-2025
Councilor Martha Jirovec

2024-2025 Proposed Budget

Budget Officer 2023-2024
Councilor Martha Jirovec
2023-2024 Proposed Budget


Budget Officer 2022-2023

City Manager, AJ Foscoli

2022-2023 Proposed Budget

Budget Officer 2021-2022

City Manager, AJ Foscoli

2021-2022 Proposed Budget

Budget Officer 2020-2021:

City Manager, Mac Corthell

2020-2021 Proposed Budget

Budget Officer 2019-2020

City Manager, Mac Corthell

2019-2020 Proposed Budget

Budget Committee: Issues
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