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Falls City Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan

The city is working with U of O to create a Hazards Mitigation Plan and we need your feedback.

Press Release


Falls City Resource Center


Monday, September 23 from 4-7 p.m.

The city is working very diligently with the Willamette Health Council, Polk County’s Family & Community Outreach, Falls City Thrives as well as several other resident volunteers to ensure that the Community Resource Center will be a place for everyone!

City Newsletters

Did you know Falls City puts out a monthly newsletter every month? We do! It is packed with a lot of information regarding the community, events, and all sorts of stuff.

Check them out here

How can you make a difference? 

Get Involved

Volunteer efforts are essential to City governance. There are many exciting opportunities to participate including serving on a committee, attending regular council meetings, and volunteering your time during City events and other volunteer-led projects.

The City is making the necessary steps to facilitate community engagement, even during COVID-19 restrictions. We appreciate all of you and please know that every little bit of time you dedicate to the betterment of Falls City helps tremendously.

Report Crimes Online

Did you know you can report suspected crimes, drug activity, and submit tips to the Polk County Sheriff's Office online? You can also view crime reports at the same time! 

For all of this and more visit:

The Polk County Sheriff's Office non-emergency number is
(503) 623-9251. If you are experiencing an emergency, dial 911.


City Hall

Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m-4:00 p.m

City Hall is closed to the public on Friday's

Payments can still be placed in the outside dropbox

Online bill pay is available through the bill pay portal in the upper right-hand corner. 

To schedule an appointment with a staff member please see the information below. 


TJ Bailey

City Manager

AJ Foscoli

Public Works Director

Jon Creekmore

City Recorder/Finance Supervisor

Jeremy Teal

Utility Billing

Melanie McCollum

Code Enforcement
Stefani Burchfield

for all other questions please call 503.787.3631

Street Sweeping

Street sweeping takes place on the last Wednesday
of each month.

We ask that all cars parked on the following streets are moved off of the street and into driveways:

North Main Street

Mitchell Street (up to 5th Street)

Bridge Street

Parry Road (paved portions)

South Main Street

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