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Planning Commission

Planning Commission is currently the Falls City City Council.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council on land use policy planning matters, which guide the future development of the City. The Planning Commission has final approval authority on certain cases and recommends action to the City Council on others. Areas of focus include:

-Conducting a detailed review of all types of development projects and individual land use requests, such as subdivision maps, specific plans, conditional use permits, planned developments, and appeals of administrative approvals, as well as others.

-Assisting the Council in the formulation of policies and ordinances that implement the General Plan, such as amendments to the Zoning Code, the adoption of new code sections, changes to the existing zoning text and maps, etc.

-The City Planning Commission shall also have all the powers which are now, or may hereafter be given to it under the general laws of the State.

All recommendations and suggestions made to the Council by the Commission shall be in writing.

Correspondence can be sent to:

City Council

City of Falls City

299 Mill Street

Falls City, OR 97344

Planning Commission: Issues
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